Monism, Dichotomy, Trichotomy
This lesson will have two parts: first, we will look at what man is. Second, we will look at what scripture reveals about human reproduction.
In the first part, emphasis will be given to the nature of what man is. Is he only his material self? Is he material and immaterial? Is there something more to man than just body and soul?
Pre-existence, Creation, Traducian
In the second part, we will look at the reproduction of mankind with special emphasis given to the topic of the soul. At what point and by whom is the soul produced?
Briefly evaluate the claim that space, time and matter (Gen. 1:1) and not light (Gen. 1:3) are the content of creation for Day One. How does this effect the Gap Theory?
Briefly explain your view, and biblical evidence in support of your view, on man’s material and immaterial composition: monism, dichotomism, or trichotomism.
Briefly explain, with biblical evidence, your view of the creation of the soul: pre-existentism, creationism, or traducianism.